PCA presbytery scholarships and lamb fund grants


PCA Presbytery Scholarships are available to full-time, main-campus MDiv students under care of PCA presbyteries that have established scholarships funds with Covenant Seminary. Application forms are available on the student portal and at the One-Stop desk. Students should send applications for this scholarship directly to their presbyteries and a copy of the application to the Financial Aid Office. This scholarship should be applied for by April 15 each year so that presbyteries have the applications when they meet. For a full list of presbyteries that have partnered with Covenant Seminary to establish scholarship funds for their students, see the Financial Aid Handbook.


The Lamb Fund is now providing grants to Covenant Seminary students instead of loans. The qualifications for receiving a Lamb Fund Grant are as follows:

  • Must be a full-time, main-campus MDiv student who is under care of a PCA presbytery.

  • The student must make application for the Lamb Fund, which is approved by the student’s Presbytery.

  • Approved students can be eligible for amounts ranging from $250 to $1000 per year, which are divided between the fall and spring semesters. The funds can only be used for tuition payments.

    • $250 for being an MDiv student under care of a PCA presbytery.

    • $250 if your presbytery does not have a presbytery scholarship fund.

    • $250 for entering students with an undergraduate degree with a GPS of at least 3.0, or returning students with a Covenant GPA of at least 3.0.

    • $250 for financial need (formula determined by Financial Aid and based primarily on student’s EFC).

Lamb Fund Grants are made subject to the availability of funds, so it is to the student’s advantage to get approved applications in early.