Phone: 314.434.4044
Email Cary.


cary smith

online student care coordinator

Cary serves as Covenant’s Online Student Care Coordinator, providing support and encouragement to distance students. He frequently meets with students online and in person when they visit campus. He also oversees Cohort Groups for online students, which provide supportive environments where students can grow in emotional awareness and health and in their ability to care for others.

In addition to his Student Life role, Cary is a licensed therapist who works mostly with pastors and others in ministry. He spent several years in campus and church ministry before getting his counseling degree. Cary also stays active academically, pursuing a PhD in New Testament through Trinity College in Bristol, England. His research focuses on Paul’s interpersonal relationships with his readers in 2 Corinthians 1-7. Cary also enjoys teaching NT Exegesis online to students at Covenant and at Satya Vachan Seminary in Lucknow, India. 

Cary deeply loves spending time with his wife, Annalisa, and their big-hearted toddler, Charissa. As a family, they enjoy spending time outdoors, hosting friends, laughing a lot, and trying all sorts of international cuisine.